COVID-19 Power Outage Resource Plan 2020



Resource Center- a place for Community Members can go for electricity during a power outage. The Family Center will be designated as a Resource Center and available during a power outage.


Healthy- not sick and answers no to Health Screening questions.


Infected - Confirmed as having COVID-19. Will not be allowed to use the Family Center Resource Center during the power outage.


The Family Center Resource Center will be available when the Community is without power. The Family Center Resource Center has a back-up generator.

Cheryl Hill will man the Family Center.


Property and Equipment will sanitize the Family Center Resource Center building, or the rooms used by those who are sick.


The glass doors on the east side of the Family Center Resource Center building, under the car port will be the entrance point, before entering the building All COMMUNITY MEMBERS, must fill out a health screening questionnaire and have their temperature taken.


Accountability logbook or sign in/sign out sheet must be used by all Community Members entering/exiting the Family Center Resource Center, which will be maintained by Family Center Resource Center Staff.


Everyone using the Family Center Resource Center will be given a mask to protect themselves and others. Masks must always be worn by everyone while in the building.


A schedule for use of the showers/kitchen area/power supplies will be set up by the Family Center Resource Center staff to maintain the 6-feet isolation rule set by Tribal Council.


Community members staging in the gym must maintain the 6-foot rule set by Tribal Council.


When calculating the number of people per room’s square footage the minimal spacing is 6 feet per person standing.


Staging areas:


Healthy Community Members will enter/exit the east doors to the Family Center Resource Center and go directly to the gym during the power outage.


The gym is 6,983 square footage. The gym will sustain 581 people with the 6-foot isolation rule set by Tribal Council.


Key Holders-Family Center Resource Center Staff, Law Enforcement Staff, and Property and Equipment Staff.


Health Screening Questions

1. Have you had a fever above 100 degrees in the last 24 hours?

2. Do you have any flu like symptoms?

3. Have you been with someone who has had the flu? (If so when?)

4. Any difficulty breathing, cough, respiratory symptoms?

5. Have you traveled outside of a 60-mile radius in the last 14 days?