Askaskwaamek (Munsee)

Catnip                   Nepeta cataria

Catnip is one of the more common medicines which has had a continued usage by the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. This medicine can be prepared into a tea that is used to alleviate anxiety, stress, insomnia, and cold or flu-like symptoms. According to Misty Cook, Catnip grows abundantly near old barns and should be harvested in July through August. Preserve this medicine by bundling it and hanging to dry for around 2 months. Once fully dried, break it apart to store in jars for up to a year


Ingredients and equipment:


- 1 tbsp Catnip leaves and stems

- 1 cup boiling water (adults)

- 3 cups boiling water (children)


Preparation and usage:


1. Pour boiling water over the Catnip leaves & stems and allow to steep for 15 minutes.


Adults: drink one full cup around bedtime.

Children: Drink as desired at bedtime, normally around 1⁄2 cup.


Make Medicine recipe cards at home!

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