Maxkweepanã'kw (Mohican)

Red Osier                  Cornus sericea

Red Osier is commonly known as ‘Red Whips’ to the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. This Medicine can be used to make a tea wash for sore eyes. Red Whips grow in swampy areas and are easy to spot in the late fall through spring due to their bright red branches. By the summertime, the bark turns green and is less noticeable. Red Whips can be harvested throughout the year by cutting branches and shaving off the bark. Preserve this Medicine by laying the bark on a cloth to dry for around three months. However, since this Medicine is available year-round, it is advisable to harvest as needed, rather than saving for future use.


Ingredients and equipment:


- 1 tbsp of Red Osier bark

- 1⁄2 cup water

- A clean, white cloth


Preparation and usage:


1. Boil 1 tbsp of bark in 1⁄2 cup of water.

2. Strain the tea and let cool to room temperature. It is very important that the tea is fully cooled.


Dip a clean, white cloth into the tea and dab onto the eyelids. Apply twice a day, as needed.


Make Medicine recipe cards at home!

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