Wtakiipakw (Munsee)

Yarrow                   Achillea millefolium

Yarrow can be used to alleviate mild arthritis symptoms when consumed as a tea. It’s best to harvest this Medicine from open fields in the summer through the early fall. Preserve this Medicine by hanging it in bundles for around two months. When fully dried, break up the leaves and stems to store in a glass gar to be used throughout the year. Yarrow is consumed by making a concentrated tea that is diluted before drinking.


Ingredients and equipment:


- 1 full Yarrow plant, excluding roots

- 1⁄2 cup of water


Preparation and usage:


1. Boil the Yarrow plant in 1⁄2 cup of water for 5 minutes.

2. With a dropper, drop five drops of the concentrated tea into a small glass of water.


Drink this mixture twice daily to alleviate symptoms of arthritis.


Make Medicine recipe cards at home!

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