Cultural Affairs

 Fax | (715) 793-4836

 Address | N8510 MohHeConNuck Road Bowler, WI 54416

 For requests and inquires please email: [email protected]

Please follow us on Facebook for our latest Programs and Events!


The mission of the Cultural Affairs Department is to protect, preserve and tell the history of the Stockbridge Munsee Band of the Mohican Indians.  We do this through the archives at the Arvid E. Miller Memorial Library and Museum, protection of our ancestral lands through Historic Preservation, and revitalization of our Language. 

If you have public requests for participation or assistance with exhibits, events or other projects please contact Cultural Affairs Director

Our operational hours are 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday thru Friday

Our Departments

Frequently Asked Questions

Department Donation Forms

Our Staff

 Yvette Malone

Library/Museum Specialist
Phone: (715) 793-4834

Email: yvette.malone

 Bonney Hartley

Historic Preservation Manager
Phone: (413) 884-6048

Email: bonney.hartley

 Nathan Allison

Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
Phone: (413) 884-6029
Email: nathan.allison