2024 Native Farmer & Producer Mini Grant

This year, the Native American Agriculture Fund (NAAF) has once again provided the Stockbridge-Munsee Community with $6,500 for grants to Tribal Member Farmers and Producers. In 2024, approximately 5 grants will be awarded, and an applicant may request $500 to $1500 for qualified expenses. So far, the Mini-Grant has helped 11 Tribal Members start, add value or streamline existing business operations with 18 Mini-Grant awards. Agriculture productions have included: mushroom growing, poultry farming, produce farming, pumpkin farming, Indigenous farming & technique teaching, beekeeping and more.


Eligible applications must be submitted to the Tribal Secretary and are due April 15th by 4pm.  Applications found at: www.mohicanAG.com, pick up at the Land Management Office, or contact Maria @ maria.duits@mohican-nsn.gov.