COVID-19 Response and Tribal Community

The Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Council recognizes there has been a lot of information in the news about the developing coronavirus impact worldwide. We are trying to find the best path forward that allows us to appropriately protect our community, recognizes our obligations as an employer, and permits us to continue our business operations in as safe a manner as possible.


In order to share information about the coronavirus and the Tribe’s response to it, the Tribal Council will be establishing a webpage at for sharing information and updates as well as making a series of video clips with information for community members, employees, and the general public.


As a starting point, the Tribal Council would like to share the following information about the COVID-19 coronavirus and basic precautions (from materials distributed by the Urban Indian Health Institute).


What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 (2019 Novel Coronavirus) is a viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus that has not been found in people before. It can lead to lower respiratory illnesses like pneumonia and bronchitis.


How is COVID-19 spread?

• Close contact with an infected person (within 6 feet of you)

• Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes

• Contact with infected surfaces or objects then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes


What are the symptoms?

• Fever

• Cough

• Shortness of breath

• Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.


How can I protect myself, my family, and my community?

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

• Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when you cannot wash your hands.

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using household cleaning supplies. Currently, there is no vaccine for COVID-19.


What should I do if I think I have COVID-19?

• Call ahead before visiting your doctor – DO NOT go to the clinic or hospital without calling ahead first.

• Monitor your symptoms. Seek prompt medical attention if your illness is worsening.

• Stay home if you are experiencing symptoms except to get medical care.

• Wear a face mask if you have symptoms.

• Cover your coughs and sneezes.

• Separate yourself from other people and animals in your home. • Avoid sharing personal household items.