Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These FAQs are for Stockbridge-Munsee community members. Responses are up-to-date and have been vigorously reviewed by our medical team.


Tribal employees should follow guidance provided by tribal leadership, their individual departments, and Occupational Health.

COVID-19 Basics

How do you get COVID?
What are the symptoms of COVID?
What should I do if I have symptoms of COVID?
Why do some people have COVID, but not get sick?
Can you get COVID more than once?
Why do some people with COVID get sicker than others?

Prevention is Good Medicine

How can I avoid getting COVID?
Do masks really work?
When I wear a mask, do I need to social distance too?
Is social distancing really effective?
When should I wash my hands (or use hand sanitizer)?
What things should I be disinfecting daily?

Getting Tested

When should I get tested for COVID?
Where can community members get tested?
Are the COVID tests free?

Coping with Sickness

If I get sick, how long will I be sick for?
If I get sick, how long am I contagious for?
If someone in my house is sick, what should I do?


Who is required to quarantine?
What will happen if I test positive for COVID?
When someone is asked to quarantine, what does that mean?
When I am quarantining (because I tested positive) and my household is isolating, who will check in on us from the tribe?
How long does someone have to quarantine for after testing positive for COVID?
What happens if someone breaks their quarantine early?

Close Contact

Who is considered a “close contact?”
What should I do if I believe that I had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID?


Who is required to isolate?
When someone is asked to isolate, what does that mean?
What happens if someone breaks their isolation (or quarantine) early?

Indirect Contact

Who is considered an “indirect contact?”
If I believe that I had indirect contact with someone who tested positive for COVID, what should I do?

COVID-19 Vaccines

The information regarding COVID vaccines is changing rapidly. The content below was developed on December 8, 2020 based on the most-up-to-date knowledge available. It was reviewed and approved by our medical team.

How many COVID vaccines are there going to be?
Which vaccines are closest to being available?
How many doses are needed and how far apart?
How effective are these vaccines?
What are the side effects of these vaccines?
Are the vaccines safe?
Can the vaccines cause COVID-19? How do they work?
When will the vaccine be available for us?
How will the vaccine be prioritized?
Will I have to pay for the vaccine?
Will the vaccine be mandatory for tribal employees?
I am not sure if I should get the vaccine, who should I contact?